• Adj.

    To endeavour on a journey that cannot be put into formal language

  • " Our films elevate the profile of South African cinema. "

    Lamar Bonhomme

    Skitz Founder

Lamar is an 80's kid who grew up consuming cartoons and cereal in inner city apartment blocks in the Durban. When he isn't carting around a Bolex shooting arbitrary slices of life, he can be found ignoring his posture in front of his computer screen editing a Skitz film. With a background in theatre, there isn't a trace of dishonesty in the performances he crafts, and as such, he has directed films that have screened from Cinequest to Clermont-Ferrand.

the director

Lamar Bonhomme

Rizelle is a 90’s kid who grew up touring with her mother’s travelling theatre shows. Once she took to the entertainment industry it would never be the same again. Rizelle was a part of the Miss Earth organisation, before she produced her first short film in Austin, Texas. Now, Rizelle is the anchor to the Skitz ship, and when she isn’t playing lead or supporting roles on various Netflix film and television productions, she can be found making Skitz films.

the producer

Rizelle Januk

No egos, just art